/vidya/ :: Vidya Gaemz I want to nominate this board to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton
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0x000001What was the first video game you ever played as a kid?
brb going for a walk.jpg

Mine was nintendogs and I played it on a nintendo ds lite. What was your first game?

chat_bubble_outline Posts: 5 arrow_upward Limit: 128
> Mine was nintendogs and I played it on a nintendo ds lite. What was your first game?

original mario on NES

> Mine was nintendogs and I played it on a nintendo ds lite. What was your first game?

first i can remember was pajama sam no need to hide when its dark outside. i had it on cd rom!


I remember it being a NASCAR game on GameCube or something. Don't recall which one tho


My earliest memory of playing a video game was Pokemon Crystal. I had it until water was spilled into my Gameboy, which was a real tragedy because I didn't learn to read at the time.

Long story short, I eventually got not only a new Gameboy Advance, but also new games such as Mario Kart, the Bionicle platformer, and Pokemon Ruby. The rest was history.