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/main/ :: WTF Should I Call the Main Board? Quality Posts Only

I'm gonna post videos as Discord links since I can't upload videos here.

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/main/ :: WTF Should I Call the Main Board? Quality Posts Only
0x000001a wild div project appeared

This is in the early stages but you might be interested in it.

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A new thread was posted: 0x00004d

/weeb/ :: kawaii desu neeeee Weeb shit where it belongs: At the bottom of the page. <(^_^<)

Personally I am a big fan of the Beatcats... I just think they're super cute and the idea of 'pop star cats who are secretly vampires' is so out there I just have to love it.

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000002

/wave/ :: Wave Is Not Dead The Internet music and hipster containment zone.

I was feeling so bad until this dropped

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000001

/wave/ :: Wave Is Not Dead The Internet music and hipster containment zone.

you seen this yet?

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/trash/ :: Shitpost Cesspool it's okay -- your thread wasn't good enough for /main/ -- but look on the bright side. It belongs here.

I love how this thread is nothing but people who want to not contribute to the thread.

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/trash/ :: Shitpost Cesspool it's okay -- your thread wasn't good enough for /main/ -- but look on the bright side. It belongs here.

Definitely not a nihilist, at some point I realized absolutely everything has meaning deeply embedded in it. It's a very easy trap to fall into though, especially these days.

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/main/ :: WTF Should I Call the Main Board? Quality Posts Only

I like your imageboard. Here's my page;

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/meta/ :: Community Meta Suggestions, questions, and conversation relating to this board

Undelete your thread on 32bit cafe?

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/main/ :: WTF Should I Call the Main Board? Quality Posts Only

P.S. : either post them as an image so i could colour pick or as HEX codes ! !!

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x00004b

/main/ :: WTF Should I Call the Main Board? Quality Posts Only

so im making a new layout ,, and its only gonna be using these specific 8 colours .

i wanna make themes that change these colours to different ones ,, and so i want yall to give me some colours forthemes + their names ! ( it can also be just ur name )

try to stay fitting to the colour names ^__^

thanksss !

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A new thread was posted: 0x00004b

/main/ :: WTF Should I Call the Main Board? Quality Posts Only
0x000013Stories, Art, Journal Blog

so glad i stumbled on this part of the web. yay divchan :D

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/old/ :: Web Nostalgia low resolution gifs and other stuff for your Neocities page

Maybe you can have the filename beneath it, or have the user choose whether they want to share it, or at least the extension.

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x00000e

/meta/ :: Community Meta Suggestions, questions, and conversation relating to this board
> I love these!
> ...although I somewhat feel like the only reason I can read the letters is because I know what they say. Maybe a monospaced font would make it easier to read. Still, much better than I could do!

i agree ( this is shai btw ) this is why i made the pink one XD if u want tho u can edit these to make the text more readable !

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000038

/meta/ :: Community Meta Suggestions, questions, and conversation relating to this board
> some buttons i made for this ^__^

I made dozens of hue shift variations of buttons from the ones you made

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/vidya/ :: Vidya Gaemz I want to nominate this board to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton

That's OK, it was not severe accusation and I corrected it only for precision's sake ;)

> In any case, thanks for sharing your project.

Thanks for discussing it!

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000020

/vidya/ :: Vidya Gaemz I want to nominate this board to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton
> That last paragraph was there from the start :)

I stand corrected, sorry for the accusation! I just missed some of it. I suppose I should add a feature that makes it more obvious when a post is edited.

In any case, thanks for sharing your project. If you add more features feel free to talk about them here.

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000020

/vidya/ :: Vidya Gaemz I want to nominate this board to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton

Thanks for a feedback!

As I wrote, one gameplay lasts about 1 hour.

Yes, you have absolute right that I should make writing as good as possible. But I am not an English native speaker and sometimes some nuances are lost to me. If you have some suggestions which phrases should I change, please mention it.

Speaking about politics - hmm, no I don't think I edited original post to make it more "right leaning". That last paragraph was there from the start :)

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000020

/vidya/ :: Vidya Gaemz I want to nominate this board to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton
> Thanks for Your interest! As I wrote, game is not supposed to be parody. It is straight-forward dark fantasy most of the time. These elements are more kind of easter eggs/background.

I see. So far it seems classy enough. I'm playing as Destroyer of Life.

Just out of curiosity, how long does a playthru take?

Also if you want my suggestions so far, I would say since the writing is the primary substance of the game, you're going to want to go over it multiple times and make sure every sentence is perfect. The moment someone loses interest in reading is the moment they stop playing, so you want every sentence to shine. I would say it's not bad writing at all -- just that continuous improvement of the early game's passages will probably bring more players than adding additional content if that makes sense.

EDIT: I also noticed that you edited your post above to add more right leaning political easter eggs or whatever. To be honest, these are kind of cringey and eye rolling to me and I know that when I encounter them they're not going to be amusing to me. It's possible that the majority of your audience are people that appreciate these things and so you're pandering to them, or maybe its an outlet to express feelings. In either case, it's something that will push a lot of people away from your core idea which is a good idea.

For me... I'm tired of everything being extremely left leaning or extremely right leaning. It's really exhausting and I try super hard to avoid both ends of it.

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000020

/meta/ :: Community Meta Suggestions, questions, and conversation relating to this board
> some buttons i made for this ^__^

I love these!

...although I somewhat feel like the only reason I can read the letters is because I know what they say. Maybe a monospaced font would make it easier to read. Still, much better than I could do!

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000038

/vidya/ :: Vidya Gaemz I want to nominate this board to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton

Thanks for Your interest! As I wrote, game is not supposed to be parody. It is straight-forward dark fantasy most of the time. These elements are more kind of easter eggs/background.

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000020

/vidya/ :: Vidya Gaemz I want to nominate this board to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton

I'll try it out before making any judgements about it, but the politically incorrect disclaimer makes me somewhat skeptical about how well the humor is going to land. But I will try it without judgement. I'm hoping that there won't be a lot of ideological injections into the story since I'm relatively disinterested in both sides of modern day political discourse. I appreciate the warning though for people who will want to avoid it for this reason.

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000020

/trash/ :: Shitpost Cesspool it's okay -- your thread wasn't good enough for /main/ -- but look on the bright side. It belongs here.

Meaning is subjective is a good way to put it, and also non static is a good descriptor. Like you said shai, not liking anything ever would be really lame.

However optimistic nihilism is a good coping strategy for some people, as there are a lot of things in the world that we will struggle to accept and live with. There is a lot of pain and suffering in this life. For me, nihilism is a means of letting it go and making peace with the apparent pointlessness of things.

Still others hear "nothing matters" and that doesn't sit well with them, even if they more or less agree about the subjectivity of existence. People prefer different perspectives I suppose.

Nothing is my god. Oblivion is my heaven. I'd have it no other way.

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000004

/trash/ :: Shitpost Cesspool it's okay -- your thread wasn't good enough for /main/ -- but look on the bright side. It belongs here.

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000004

/trash/ :: Shitpost Cesspool it's okay -- your thread wasn't good enough for /main/ -- but look on the bright side. It belongs here.

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000004

/vidya/ :: Vidya Gaemz I want to nominate this board to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton
0x000001Dominion of Darkness - RPG/strategy simulator of the Dark lord

"Dominion of Darkness” is a strategy text game in which the player takes on the role of a Sauron-style Lord of Darkness with the goal of conquering the world. He will carry out his plans by making various decisions. He will build his army and send it into battles, weave intrigues and deceptions, create secret spy networks and sectarian cults, recruit agents and commanders, corrupt representatives of Free Peoples and sow discord among them, collect magical artifacts and perform sinister plots. Note -- one game takes about 1 hour, but the premise is that the game can be approached several times, each time making different decisions, getting different results and discovering something new.

Game is avalaible for free, online:

I am constantly improving the game, adding new content and mechanics, so Your feedback would matter.

If you are hesitant to play the game, I invite you to watch/listen to the reviews:

Indie Sampler (video):

[BOKC] BlancoKix (video):

OK, so what's about this "politically incorrect"? Is it just a bait? Nope.

Although the game is not parody, there is some humour, usually black one and often, well, politically incorrect. There are some allusions to our modern world - ancient crazy sorcerer-king who demanded his subjects to pretend he is woman, very peaceful orc immigrants, riots in the name of bandits lives which matter, crazy druids who want to ban fires because they are warming the planet etc. There are are also sometimes some controversial themes like slavery, genocide, BDSM etc.

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A new thread was posted: 0x000020

/trash/ :: Shitpost Cesspool it's okay -- your thread wasn't good enough for /main/ -- but look on the bright side. It belongs here.
0x000008silly thoughts ( im just a girl )

i kinda agree with july . i think nothing has meaning in the first place , but meaning does develop . meaning also isnt static - things can stop having meaning and some other things may start .

i like the whole " nothing matters " approach , but i do like caring about things . i like liking things , i like having meaning . after all , i dont think life can even exist without meaning .

i dont think " nothing matters " even means everything has 0 meaning . we are all human beings , its in our nature to give things meanings . thats just what we do !

some things matters - and thats okay . what`s important ( to me at least ) is to not let meaning stop you . ( unless its like , a crime . like dont murder or anything )

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/meta/ :: Community Meta Suggestions, questions, and conversation relating to this board

some buttons i made for this ^__^

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000038

/vidya/ :: Vidya Gaemz I want to nominate this board to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton
0x000001Doom mod screenshots
Screenshot_Doom_20240416_194226.webp Screenshot_Doom_20240416_191314.webp Screenshot_Doom_20240416_190729.webp

This is like a super mario themed mod

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A new thread was posted: 0x00001f

/vidya/ :: Vidya Gaemz I want to nominate this board to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton

I love the homebrew launcher.

A reply to a thread was posted: 0x00001a