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0x000001new board ideas?

I'm thinking about opening new boards but I want to ask what boards people would actually like to see.

There's a lot of things other people might like that I have no interest in and would never think of... like maybe there could be a fashion board or idk...

What ideas do you have?

chat_bubble_outline Posts: 18 arrow_upward Limit: 128

I would emphasize qualityposting on /main/. So let a fashion thread sprout when the people for it arive then if it builds up, make a board for it. But I think the subtitle for /main/ would have to something other than "general bullshit".

> let a fashion thread sprout when the people for it arive then if it builds up, make a board for it.

yeah that is more or less the philosophy that made me resist adding new boards up until now. But it does seem like we're at a point where certain boards could probably be removed and replaced with other topics to try out. I wonder how much looking at the board list makes different types of users that visit quickly decide how interested they are in posting.

> But I think the subtitle for /main/ would have to something other than "general bullshit".

General rebranding of the existing boards could possibly go further than replacing them.

> I would emphasize qualityposting on /main/.

I could start getting very strict about what is posted on main but maybe that wouldn't be as useful as just coming up with thread ideas and trying them out.


more boards will split the community further, hindering growth

0x000005fewer boards then?

Alright so I guess I agree with you all saying that new boards aren't necessarily a good idea.

What I'm thinking about doing instead is.. fewer boards

the threads in /old/ (at least the ones of substance) are probably going to get moved into /main/. I imagined originally that this would be a place that all us webmaster types could share resources, but if you think about it, there could be one thread about this entire subject and it would be a better thread than having a whole board that no one uses for it.

/prog/ and all of its threads are just going to be deleted. let's face it, this isn't a programmer community, and if it was, it would need better features to discuss programming. I like the idea of having something like /tech/ where maybe more people could contribute, but in the spirit of not opening boards until there is a need for them, we'll just use /main/

I could possibly merge weeb into omg

I might do this tomorrow. What do you think?

> I could possibly merge weeb into omg

This is an idea I'm unsure on but see the logic, fuck it. Less boards means higher concentration of posts, spin offs will happen as things grow.


'general bs' should be limited to dank, (wave and) mood could technically be part of main (or old and mood could be merged as one), but weeb should remain separate imo

> This is an idea I'm unsure on...
> weeb should remain separate imo

so yeah, I went to start merging weeb into omg, and even though it makes logical sense, it doesn't feel right. So for now I'm not going to do it.

old is gone.

prog is gone.

/main/ is going to be rebranded as a quality posting board because I also liked that idea.

Do you guys have input for what the tagline and new title for main could be?


There were some threads that I wanted to save that I couldn't, if you're wondering where they went. The reason why is they were posted during an earlier version of the site that's incompatible with the moving thread logic. Trying to save them wasn't worth the effort, so don't be too mad about lost threads please. There wasn't that many of them.


"a third place in cyber space"

> "a third place in cyber space" - for threads about the here, the there and the in-between

huh... kinda gives it a weird fried out hippie vibe tbh

"Quality Posting Only" is maybe too on the nose though but something like that.

> huh... kinda gives it a weird fried out hippie vibe tbh

Yeah bit kitsch tbh

"The web's community corkboard"

Something to give it a impermanence but drive home that community feel? Just spitballimg

0x00000e/dank/ is now /trash/

kinda interesting dynamic here. Both boards reinforce that /main/ is intended to be a quality posting board, and it also gives us a place to put things that are not good enough for /main/.



one thing u guys might not realize is main was originally a "dont post here unless there isn't a better place" board. and basically no one ever posted in main, that is why it was turned into general bullshit, to get people feeling safe to post there.

>/main/ - What do I call this board?

What about /misc/ for miscellaneous? It's not "Random" so you're not inheriting the reputation of 4chan /b/.

> one thing u guys might not realize is main was originally a "dont post here unless there isn't a better place" board. and basically no one ever posted in main, that is why it was turned into general bullshit, to get people feeling safe to post there.

i feel like having /trash/ fixes this but you raise a fair point, however i'm on the side of 'keep main for qualityposting' lol, a small haven from irony and shitposts if you will

> kinda interesting dynamic here. Both boards reinforce that /main/ is intended to be a quality posting board, and it also gives us a place to put things that are not good enough for /main/.
> thoughts?

this is perfect imo, honestly we're probably worrying too much considering the current size of the board