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0x000001More Themes, or specifically dark themes

I browse the web at night, and I generally use a widescreen monitor. So a dark theme would be nice.

chat_bubble_outline Posts: 3 arrow_upward Limit: 128
> I browse the web at night, and I generally use a widescreen monitor. So a dark theme would be nice.

Just pointing out, there is an issue open where I am accepting alternative themes.


If someone finished one I would push out a theme switcher.

It's possible that I will eventually get around to doing one myself but no ETA on that. I do still stand by that if someone does finish an alternate theme, I will make the theme switcher happen as a priority.


I'm pretty open minded about what I would accept as long as the alternate theme is "finished." By that I mean you can't take out functionality without replacing it. For instance, you can't take out the Material icons unless you're going to replace them. You can't take out the media query code that makes it work on mobile unless you're going to replace it.

The easiest thing is probably to just leave all that stuff and instead focus on recolors and other touch ups.