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0x000001Do you want NSFW boards?

I'm posting this thread without a thumbnail as a reminder: You will be banned if you post NSFW in this thread!

You can discuss NSFW topics, but you cannot post graphic images here.



I keep wondering when I'm going to open the doors to NSFW boards.

Here's the reason why I'm leaning towards thinking we should have some: Erotic content has always powered the Internet. If I want my site to do well and get more users, it's difficult to ignore the people that NSFW boards could bring. At the same time, people are into a very large range of things and not into other things, and the only way it works is if there is a lot of boards with every option there is.

For example look at the NSFW boards on 4chan. They have very intricate rules and detailed descriptions of what is acceptable in every genre of xxx that is out there. And like.... I am just not that open with my own sexuality personally to be expressive about all these subjects. So I have no idea where to start with adding that.

Like specifically what NSFW board should there be? I have no idea.

I'm thinking that I need a director of NSFW material for the site or something... someone that I can give moderator powers to and let them decide what boards would be beneficial. I would obviously oversee it and make sure only decisions were being made but...

I think its gonna be a situation where there wont be NSFW boards until there is someone, or some group of people, who want to manage it. And keep in mind, I'm not going to give this role out lightly.

I'm just wondering, how should I go about this?

chat_bubble_outline Posts: 12 arrow_upward Limit: 128
0x000004nope ~
> I don't anyone need's that here fr
> It will just make this place impure

I don't really see this board as a place of purity. It's a place of content (or it's supposed to be)

It wouldn't be visible on any of the main boards so it wouldn't affect anyone that doesn't want to see it.

Adding it would definitely be an experiment and as I said I don't think I'll add it until someone wants to manage it.


Keep the nsfw stuff limited to text at first, I imagine it would be harder to moderate images

> Keep the nsfw stuff limited to text at first, I imagine it would be harder to moderate images

If it became difficult to moderate, I would shut it down immediately. Ideally as the community scaled to being difficult to moderate, there would also be people that would want to be moderators who would make it doable.

But you have a point. I need a "report this post" feature before I can open those doors.


My actual thought is I won't notice one way or the other because I'm not super interested in xxx content. But also you should make the welcome page to this entire place be close up video of a woman giving birth to let people know we're cool.

> But also you should make the welcome page to this entire place be close up video of a woman giving birth to let people know we're cool.

based and div pilled


I would say no to porn.

>the genre of pornography caters to specific sexes and sexualities e.g porn designed for straight men, gay men vs straight women, lesbians, etc.
>userbase can be profiled based on relative popularity of porn threads
>bad actors can identify whether the userbase is primarily male or female
>if the userbase is primarily male, bad actors can bump, promote or spam relationship troubles or break up stories from reddit to demoralize men about women
>the userbase goes down the same road as 4chan /r9k/
>after 10 years of whining about never being invited to parties in high school, not getting laid before 20, and roasties, the userbase perceives women to be the fault of the downfall of society (as opposed to entropy in the financial system or reckless fiscalism) therefore NPNW

I think there are plenty of places on the Internet with erotic content that doesn't have the same culture as 4chan.

The thing that ultimately makes 4chan a place that is ripe for abuse is

1) the quantity of people, and

2) the administrators of the site don't care.

that being said, it's convenient that most people here don't seem to want it, because there doesn't seem to be anyone who wants to facilitate it either.

Or who knows. Maybe it already exists and we just don't know about it. The rules say there are hidden boards. shrug.

> Or who knows. Maybe it already exists and we just don't know about it. The rules say there are hidden boards. shrug.

Just to clarify, it doesn't exist. There is one hidden board where you're technically allowed to post NSFW but it's a shitpost board not a porn board.